It's time for Davin's another artshow at Motor City Brewing Works!!! A bunch of ALL NEW WORK and boy is it nice!!! There will be a FREE PAINTING RAFFLE DRAWING at 11pm (you must be present to win) and of course Davin will draw you a FREE PICTURE (any subject---your choice) all you have to do is ask!!! If you are in Detroit and love cute innocent clouds and free drawings you must come to this show!!!
the FISCHERS, ROWES, and SHETTLERS went camping in the MANISTEE NAT'L FOREST outside HESPERIA, MI. we had an awesome time --- i mainly took pix of MUSHROOMS, MOSS, PODS, FUNGUS, and HOLLOW LOGS FILLED WITH MUDDY WATER.....
UFO FACTORY is only voting the Democratic ballot in the primary election being held tomorrow, August 3. Because in Detroit in Summer 2010 the best options for representation are mostly on the Democratic ballot. And the primary is set up so you’ve got to pick one or the other party. Yes the system sucks, but not voting isn’t the right action and won’t make a change. The politicians listen to constituents who vote. So vote and then bitch to the people in office!!!! Or let them know that they are doing a good job. And spread the message. Below you will find some exceptional picks (****) who we know will effectively and wholeheartedly represent our concerns for the environment, social justice, education and jobs. UFO FACTORY has seen (****) participating at meetings for the people by the people. UFO FACTORY has witnessed (****) cleaning up parks and protesting the big business polluters who have gotten away with looting Detroit for decades. We are impressed and believe that (****) will work for the people with the people. We offer up some other picks somewhat hesitantly, but in the face of opponents who are a very scary alternative. And for some State House seats we are sorry to say we couldn’t find a reason to vote for anyone running.
Governor: Dillon (marginally)
13th Congressional: Hansen Clarke**** 14th Congressional: John Conyers
1st State Senate: Lisa Nuszkowski**** 2nd State Senate: Bert Johnson (marginally) 3rd State Senate: Mo Hood 4th State Senate: Virgil Smith 5th State Senate: Tupac Hunter
1st State House: Tim Bledsoe 2nd State House Scott Benson**** 3rd State house none 4th State House Maureen Stapleton**** 5th State House none 6th State House none 7th State House none 8th State House none 9th State House Shanelle Jackson 10th State House Harvey Santana**** 11th State House David Nathan 12th State House Rashida Tlaib****
Wayne County Commissioner 3rd District Martha Scott 4th District Jewell Ware 5th District Tyrone Carter****