for info leading to the arrest and conviction of the taggers known as sky-z and primo. tips, anonymous or otherwise should be sent to email address dion(at) past weekend DAVIN and DION of the UFO FACTORY painted the "CLOUD BRIDGE" at the viaduct on west grand between michigan and vernor. this art work was funded,commissioned, and authorized by local non- profit organization SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS and the neighborhood group WEST GRAND UNITED FOR PROGRESS (special thanks to the many folks who showed up and helped with this painting/clean-up/flower planting project).
well , as expected it was quickly defiled by graffiti writers....TAGGERS STAY AWAY FROM OUR CLOUD BRIDGE!!! we will paint over your "work" every week and if yoo keep coming back we will track down your "work" around the city and a 100 strong posse of volunteers will paint over it in broad daylight with "the man" blocking the street for's our neighborhood STAY OUT!!!
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