hey everybody - support your independent record store. old fave's and some yoo may have missed!!! here's an extensive list of info for DETROIT/A2/ETC. area record shops ---> courtesy windy weber ----->
stormy records 13210 michigan ave dearborn, mi 48126 313-581-9322
ya digg records 1600 clay suite 210 detroit, mi 48211 313-454-1457
car city records 21918 Harper Ave St Clair Shores, MI 48080 586-775-4770
record graveyard 2926 Caniff Street Hamtramck, MI 48212-3017 313-870-9647
record collector 327 w 9 mile rd ferndale, mi 248-548-9888
damon's 20124 Plymouth Road Detroit, MI 48228-1238 (313) 838-3500
slick disc 1625 West Road, Trenton, MI 48183 734.692.1881
hello records 1459 Bagley St Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 300-5654
peoples records 3161 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48201-2723 (313) 831-0864
street corner 26020 Greenfield Oak Park, MI 48237 (248) 967-0777
book beat 26010 Greenfield Rd Oak Park, MI 48237 (248) 968-1190
cousins vinyl 13101 Eckles Road Plymouth, MI 48170-4245 (734) 578-3479
dearborn music 22000 michigan ave dearborn, mi 48124 313-561-1000
rock of ages 31015 Ford Rd Garden City, MI 48135 (734) 522-4590
record time 27360 GRATIOT AVE. ROSEVILLE, MI 48066 PHONE: (586)775-1550
melodies & memories 23013 South Gratiot Avenue Eastpointe, MI 48021-1627 (586) 774-8480
detroit threads 10238 Jos. Campau Hamtramck, MI 48212 313.872.1777
flipside 41 East Fourteen Mile Road Clawson, MI 48017 248-585-4090
pearl's music 8100 Kercheval Detroit , MI 48214 Phone: 313-921-1010
shantinique 8933 HARPER AVENUE DETROIT , MI 48213 Phone: 313-923-3040
dance zone 23013 gratiot ave. eastpointe , MI 48205 Phone: 15862948628
solo 30118 WOODWARD ROYAL OAK , MI 48073 Phone: 248-549-0581
rock-a-billy's 8411 Hall Rd Utica , MI 48317-5532 Phone: (586) 731-0188
ann arbor shops
wazoo 336 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2868 (734) 761-8686
encore 417 east liberty ann arbor, mi 48104 734-662-6776
underground sounds 255 East Liberty Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2119 (734) 327-9239
pjs 617 Packard St Ste B Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 663-3441
puffer reds 113 W Michigan Ave Ypsilanti , MI 48197 Phone: 734-485-7050
east lansing
flat black and circular 541 E Grand River East Lansing , MI 48823 Phone: 517-351-0838
record lounge 503 E. Grand River Ave EAST LANSING , MI 48823 Phone: 517-337-1221
schuler books and music 2820 Towne Center Blvd. lansing , MI 48906 Phone: 517-316-7495
other cities and areas
record rack 1212 Ludington St Escanaba , MI 49829 Phone: 906-786-4005
for info leading to the arrest and conviction of the taggers known as sky-z and primo. tips, anonymous or otherwise should be sent to email address dion(at)ufofactory.com........this past weekend DAVIN and DION of the UFO FACTORY painted the "CLOUD BRIDGE" at the viaduct on west grand between michigan and vernor. this art work was funded,commissioned, and authorized by local non- profit organization SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS and the neighborhood group WEST GRAND UNITED FOR PROGRESS (special thanks to the many folks who showed up and helped with this painting/clean-up/flower planting project). well , as expected it was quickly defiled by graffiti writers....TAGGERS STAY AWAY FROM OUR CLOUD BRIDGE!!! we will paint over your "work" every week and if yoo keep coming back we will track down your "work" around the city and a 100 strong posse of volunteers will paint over it in broad daylight with "the man" blocking the street for us...it's our neighborhood STAY OUT!!!
SSM progressive garage rock supergroup's "last waltz" hmmm ,so yoo better be there WOLFMAN BAND wolfmen not cavemen hairy rock socio politiccal commentary DJ FREDDY FORTUNE if there is a band from the 60's called the cavemen i guarantee fred has that 45
QUAIL j ross eric debut dualing hammonds trio stoner yes rock noooooo ARAN RUTH superior songbird synth stylings WARREN DEFVER vh1 storytellers but better plus a harmonium